As the body’s organ that pumps blood throughout the body, to say the heart is important would be an understatement. It is vital to life, both for our literal ability to live and our quality of life. Despite this, it’s all too easy to neglect our cardiovascular health. Most...
Feel Great Blog
Make feeling great part of your lifestyle
Want to measure your Feel Great progress? Check your blood levels
In many ways, the human body is a vast multitude of unsolved mysteries. But the more science progresses, the better we get at finding the hidden clues that reveal a whole lot about our health. Many of those clues are in our blood, waiting to be discovered. Blood work can...
Insulin resistance: What it is, why it matters, and how to reverse it
According to the Cleveland Clinic, about 1 in 3 U.S. adults is insulin resistant, but many don’t realize it. Even more are on a path that could lead to insulin resistance in the future. We often assume only people with diabetes need to think about insulin, when in fact...
Learn about the history of yerba mate and what happens when you drink Unimate
We drink it in the mornings to start the day. It’s our go-to in the afternoons when we need extra help focusing. We all have our favorite times to drink Unimate—because its benefits are varied and far reaching. You’ve heard about the benefits of Unimate, which might have...
Why do we need dietary fiber? Here’s what our science team had to say
Welcome to our first Ask the Science Team post! Every few months, someone from Unicity’s science team will address questions people have asked about Unicity, its products, and the industry. For our first post in this series, Dr. Stephanie Kung, R&D scientific affairs...
What it means to be metabolically healthy and why everyone should care
Recent studies show that most people in North America aren’t as metabolically healthy as they should be. But what does this mean? Metabolism is fundamental to everything the body does—how we produce energy, build new tissue, break down and revitalize old tissue, eliminate...